Tuesday, January 11, 2005


I suppose I am not surprised at developments in Asia now, although it would have been really wonderful had the spirit of wanting to do all that could be done to help in the countries, so very badly affected by the underwater earthquake and resulting Tsunamis, had been able to continue. I am not saying that nothing good is coming out of it all, as there are so many people who are decent, law abiding and doing just that, helping and doing a really good job of it all, and in some places in such terrible conditions.
I am taking about what seems to be Human Nature (at its worse I reckon) taking advantage of the situation and exploiting it to the full, and there is no doubt about it, adding to the distress of the people already very badly emotionally damaged. Some of the things I have read that are reported to have happened are just so sickening, and I despair.........
Stop the world I want to get off comes to mind!


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