Saturday, October 08, 2005

Zimbabwe M.P.'s Arrested.

Zimbabwe MP held for fuel protest.

Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai is also walking to work. A Zimbabwean opposition member of parliament and 16 supporters were arrested on Wednesday for walking to work in protest at fuel shortages. Police released the group, all supporters of the Movement for Democratic Change, in the evening. MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai, who was not among those arrested, started walking 8km to work two weeks ago as a protest gesture.

A foreign exchange shortage has led to Zimbabwe's worst fuel crisis. Police arrested Gilbert Shoko, the MDC MP for Budiriro in Harare, and a group of MDC supporters as they were walking to central Harare, lawyer Alec Muchadehama told the AFP news agency. The police said there was plenty of fuel and rounded them up saying they were demonstrating against the government

MDC spokesman Maxwell Zimuto "They have since been released," Mr Muchadehama said later. "The police said they were going to continue their investigation. If they do not find any evidence against them, it means they will not take them to court. It will be the end of the matter."

MDC spokesman Maxwell Zimuto the MP and his supporters were confronted by the police, who asked why they were walking as a group. "They told the police they had no other means of transport because of the fuel crisis but the police said there was plenty of fuel and rounded them up saying they were demonstrating against the government," Mr Zimuto said.



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